Sing at Cornell


Tuesday, August 20, 2024: Learn the Cornell Songs! (4 pm at Sage Chapel)

Wednesday, August 21, 2024: Choral Showcase (4 pm at Sage Chapel)

Thursday, August 22, 2024 at 4 pm: Choral Showcase (4 pm at Sage Chapel)

 Explore the rich collection of choral ensembles available to you at Cornell. Learn more about each of them below.

All of these ensembles share the same audition process. You will be selected for ensembles based on your eligibility, commitment, and skill level. Fall 2024 auditions will occur during orientation week. Click the link above to check out the audition process!

Carmina Burana, Spring 2017

Carmina Burana, Spring 2017


The Cornell University Chorale is a mixed voice choir of over 100 singers that focuses on the developing each individual's vocal technique and musicianship. Members learn crucial skills that enable them to pursue in a lifetime of musical exploration. The group is comprised of both Cornell students and Ithaca residents, allowing members to meet members of their local community. 

Vespers, Fall 2016

Vespers, Fall 2016

Glee CLub

The Cornell University Glee Club (TTBB) is one of our two flagship groups, and a premier touring ensemble. It boasts a history of 150 years of brotherhood and musical excellence. The group performs regularly on campus, sings for major university events, and embarks on domestic or international tours every year.  The Glee Club frequently collaborates with the Chorus to explore SATB repertoire.

Fall 2017

Fall 2017


The Chorus (SSAA) is a premier touring ensemble and our other flagship group. The Chorus is comprised of treble singers who also happen to be incredible leaders, collaborators, and friends. They perform at Cornell University and in the Ithaca area, and embark on domestic or international tours every year.  The Chorus frequently collaborates with the Glee Club to explore SATB repertoire.

Spring 2019

Spring 2019

The Hangovers

The Hangovers, the official a cappella subset of the Glee Club, and the oldest a cappella group on campus, was formed with the purpose of exploring alternative forms of musical expression in addition to the traditional choral repertoire. They sing quite a wide variety of musical styles including jazz, pop, traditional choral, as well as several original compositions and parodies. To audition for the Hangovers, you must be a member of the Glee Club.

Witching Hour, Fall 2018

Witching Hour, Fall 2018

AFter Eight

After Eight is the official a cappella subset of the Chorus. With a mission to be entertaining, in tune, and fun, they perform contemporary repertoire at semesterly concerts and student and alumni events throughout the year. After Eight also highlights the Chorus mission of challenging what treble groups should and can sound like, featuring various genres including pop, jazz, hip hop, and more. To audition for After Eight, you must be a member of the Chorus.

For a freshman or incoming sophomore, the Glee Club, Chorus, or Chorale offer one of the earliest opportunities to join a student run organization at Cornell. It is also a great opportunity to meet and befriend literally hundreds of other Cornell students. The Glee Club, Chorus, and Chorale contain members from every school, from the College of Engineering, to the College Arts and Sciences, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences and College of Human Ecology. There are singers that study architecture and urban planning in the College of Architecture, Art and Planning, or study in the School of Industrial and Labor Relations or School of Hotel Administration. Singers play intramural sports, lead prominent organizations on campus, are members of fraternities and sororities, and are members of project teams. If you are looking for advice, or just looking to make your first lasting friendships at Cornell, you can find it here

At a large school like Cornell it can be hard to find a group of friends when you get to campus. Almost immediately after getting into singing my freshman fall, I made my best friends in the musical community and always had someone to hang out with.
— Brianna Cox '20, Cornell University Chorus
West Campus, May 2019. Chorus

West Campus, May 2019. Chorus

Wine Tour, May 2019. Glee Club and Chorus

Wine Tour, May 2019. Glee Club and Chorus

Sage Chapel, October 2016. Chorus

Sage Chapel, October 2016. Chorus

West Campus, May 2019. Chorus

West Campus, May 2019. Chorus

Glee Club House, December 2018. Chorus

Glee Club House, December 2018. Chorus

Ho Plaza, May 2017. Glee Club and Chorus

Ho Plaza, May 2017. Glee Club and Chorus

Wine Tour, June 2017. Glee Club

Wine Tour, June 2017. Glee Club

Tenor vs. Bass Softball, May 2019. Glee Club

Tenor vs. Bass Softball, May 2019. Glee Club

Our choral community here loves to celebrate our close-knit community with special events. Whether it is an end-of-semester Christmas party at the Glee Club house, a yearly formal celebration, or a Glee Club & Chorus Wine Tour trip, there's always a fun event planned by our student leaders on the horizon.

 In the end, music is and always will be the core of what brings us all together.

Bailey Hall, July 2017. Glee Club and Chorus (with alumni)

Bailey Hall, July 2017. Glee Club and Chorus (with alumni)

All images on this page are of the Glee Club, Chorus, or Chorale in the past few years, including pictures of current members and alumni. Mouse over each photo to see when and where it was taken. Have fun exploring the rest of the page below!

Each year, the Chorus and Glee Club each embark on a tour to bring a selection of the year's repertoire, along with the ensemble's set of permanent music and some good Cornellian spirit to a different part of the world. Every few years, these two ensembles might join forces to embark on an international tour. Past destinations for international tours include Guatemala, Mexico, China, Venezuela, France, and Switzerland. 

My first tour was with both the Glee Club and Chorus, and it was one the most memorable experiences I’ve had in college. We climbed volcanoes, visited the beaches of Cancún, and explored the nightlife of Mexico City. In between all of that, we found time to perform for thousands of people across the country, and touched the lives of hundreds more through workshops with local elementary schools. I feel very fortunate to have had that experience.
— Andrew Guo '19, Cornell University Glee Club
Chichen Itza, 2016. Glee Club & Chorus

Chichen Itza, 2016. Glee Club & Chorus

Richmond, VA, 2017. Chorus

Richmond, VA, 2017. Chorus

Toronto, Canada 2019. Chorus

Toronto, Canada 2019. Chorus

Georgia Aquarium, 2017. Chorus

Georgia Aquarium, 2017. Chorus

Hong Kong, 2017. The Hangovers

Hong Kong, 2017. The Hangovers

Hilton Head, SC, 2017. Chorus

Hilton Head, SC, 2017. Chorus

Touring is a huge part of the choral tradition for the Chorus and Glee Club. We find incredible value in bringing our choral music to fresh audiences, young children, or underprivileged communities. Music can be an effective educational tool, inspiring the next generation of composers, or the next generation of leaders and thinkers. It can be an even more powerful tool for unity, bridging language barriers and cultural differences by finding common ground in musical melody, a language that everyone can understand. As choral ensembles of Cornell University, we find that it is our duty to use music to its fullest extent in enriching the world and society that we live in.

Morehouse College, 2017. Chorus

Morehouse College, 2017. Chorus

Atlanta, GA, 2017. Chorus

Atlanta, GA, 2017. Chorus

Yale University, 2016. The Hangovers

Yale University, 2016. The Hangovers

The Grand Canyon, 2017. Glee Club

The Grand Canyon, 2017. Glee Club

Sanders Theatre, 2019. Glee Club

Sanders Theatre, 2019. Glee Club

Antigua International School, 2016. Glee Club

Antigua International School, 2016. Glee Club

The Glee Club and Chorus have an extensive and well organized system of leadership, comprised of student officers, executive board positions, and music voice section leaders. Students are given incredible responsibility in planning and managing tours, dealing with ensemble finances, producing a few dozen concerts a year, and communicating with the rich body of alumni that support each ensemble. The lessons you learn as an officer are invaluable, and also ones you cannot learn in a classroom. Discipline and organization become necessary traits to have, as well as being able to establish efficient and respectful work relationships with your peers. The business of running a choral ensemble is surprisingly complex, but functions as a great crucible of leadership that has benefitted hundreds of Cornell students for generations, and continues to benefit them today. 

Leading the Glee Club and working with my peers in the Chorus has been more than just leading a club. It has been an opportunity to shape real change in the current group and the future success of the group, all while improving my own communication and management skills - real life skills that you could never get in a class, and true responsibilities that other student organizations cannot rival.
— Adam Proch '17, former General Manager of the Glee Club
President & GM, Advisory Council Meeting. Chorus

President & GM, Advisory Council Meeting. Chorus

General Manager, Homecoming Concert. Glee Club

General Manager, Homecoming Concert. Glee Club

Musical Leadership, Dress Rehearsal. Chorale

Musical Leadership, Dress Rehearsal. Chorale

Tour Team, Mesoamerica Tour. Glee Club & Chorus

Tour Team, Mesoamerica Tour. Glee Club & Chorus

Members of the Chorus Council, Atlantic Coast Tour. Chorus

Members of the Chorus Council, Atlantic Coast Tour. Chorus

President, Reception at Women's National Democratic Club. Chorus

President, Reception at Women's National Democratic Club. Chorus

Presidents from 6 Northeastern Choral Ensembles, Treble Conference. Chorus

Presidents from 6 Northeastern Choral Ensembles, Treble Conference. Chorus

All choral ensembles at Cornell perform multiple times each year. They take place in the grand performance space inside of Bailey Hall, or under the painted arches of Sage Chapel. Groups can also perform at receptions, and in university events like Commencement and Convocation or at the inauguration of a new president. The a cappella subsets of the ensembles also perform all around campus, for dinners, graduations, and fraternities and sororities. You cannot go through four years of Cornell without hearing our ensembles perform at least once or twice.

In my three years in Chorale, I had the opportunity to really witness the incredible growth and development of the group. Over that time, we grew into the largest mixed choir at Cornell, giving us both a wide range of vocals and an amazing sound. Performing in Sage Chapel at the end of each semester truly demonstrated our hard work throughout the semester and gave me, personally, a sense of satisfaction and joy. Joining Chorale was absolutely one of the best decisions I made in my time at Cornell.
— Howard Weisz ‘17, Cornell University Chorale
Witching Hour 2018. After Eight

Witching Hour 2018. After Eight

Fall Concert 2018. Glee Club

Fall Concert 2018. Glee Club

Happy Hour XXIV. The Hangovers

Happy Hour XXIV. The Hangovers

Witching Hour 2018. After Eight

Witching Hour 2018. After Eight

Happy Hour XXIV. The Hangovers

Happy Hour XXIV. The Hangovers

Mesoamerica Tour 2016. Glee Club & Chorus

Mesoamerica Tour 2016. Glee Club & Chorus



Dr. Yen-Hsiang Nieh

Assistant Director of Choral Music

Joe Lerangís has appeared as a conductor and tenor both internationally and across the United States. They are Assistant Professor of Music and Director of Choral Music at Cornell, where they oversee the university's choral programs and conduct the Cornell University Glee Club and Chorus. Prior to Cornell, Joe's main appointments include serving as Director of Choral Activities at Colgate University, Director of Music at Spiritus Christi Church in Rochester, NY, and Assistant Conductor of both the Yale Glee Club and the Yale Camerata. Previously, Joe spent several years in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia, where they completed a Fulbright fellowship and founded and developed the first music department in a general education secondary school in Mongolia to offer youth choir, orchestra, and band programs.

Originally from Taiwan, Yen-Hsiang Nieh received his Doctor of Musical Arts degree in choral music in the Thornton School of Music at the University of Southern California, where he studied under Dr. Jo-Michael, Dr. Nick Strimple, Dr. Cristian Grases, Dr. Tram Sparks, Dr. Livingston and Dr. Morten Lauridsen. Nieh was the Teaching Assistant of the USC Thornton University Chorus, Apollo Chorus, and Concert Choir from 2018-2020. Nieh received his master’s degree in choral conducting from Fu Jen Catholic University, where he studied under the guidance of Prof. Julian Chin-Chun Su. Dr. Nieh is one of the excellent conductors in Taiwan and was the Executive Director of Taiwan Choral Association during 2013-2016.


What are we up to?


Glee Club


After Eight

The Hangs

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